Story Ideas and Where to Find Them

“I would love to write a book. I know I have one in me, but I don’t know what I would write about.” I heard this when friends learned that I wrote a book and it comes up when I’m introduced to a new friend who asks me what I do for a living. Could this be you? Are you dreaming of writing a book, but don’t yet have an idea, a storyline or a clue what you’d write about?

First of all, congratulations! How exciting. Writing is a great job and if you’re dreaming of quitting your day job to write full-time, even better. That was my long-time dream, as well and with a few personal sacrifices, learning to live with less $$ and being disciplined, it worked. Seven years later, I’m still blogging, writing and my first book, a historical fiction novel, A Decent Woman, will be published Summer 2014.

Writing a book takes perseverance, tenacity, courage, a good dose of insanity, a boatload of coffee, and a good idea for a story. Still no idea? Here are some ideas for stories that I have come up that you may like:

Write about what you know.

Think about your hobby or passion in life. If you love photography, could you write about a photographer who witnesses a murder? An artist who buys a painting at a flea market and gets thrown into an international crime ring because the painting is stolen? Do you have love letters from your Swedish grandparents that would make a great romance story?

These days, many books are written from the point of view of a famous artist or writer’s maid, wife or younger sibling. This is my personal favorite, a different perspective on a famous artist or writer.

Scour the newspapers and local papers for interesting storylines.

There are endless possibilities here. The lottery winner who was murdered or committed suicide (this happens a lot). The kidnapping of a child and the reunion with her parents. You get the idea.

Engage in people-watching in public places.

Imagine the story of the woman sitting alone in the cafe or the story of the young woman and older man who has made her cry. The man who comes to your favorite coffee shop with his laptop open and never writes a word.

Look to your hometown or adopted city for ideas.

Is there a haunted building or home in your town that would make a great setting for a paranormal story or a thriller? Your story could come out of that location.

Listen and learn from your elders.

My historical fiction novel, A Decent Woman, started as a tribute to my maternal grandmother for her 90th birthday. There is much to learn from our elders and people who’ve been on this planet much longer than us. Visit with them and take notes. I believe this is a nice thing to do whether you write or not. They love talking and miss talking to friendly, warm people.

And, if you want to write books, short stories, poetry, fiction, or non-fiction…

READ. Read books and learn from the masters. Take a course or workshop in creative writing. Join a writing group and a writing critique group in your area. The library is a great place to find such groups and sites such as That is where I found the two writing groups that I’m a member of.

Just two days ago, something so totally unexpected and completely shocking happened on my quiet street. Right across the street from me. I took photos because I was flabbergasted and yes, it made the news. But, I can’t tell you about that because I’m saving that for a story 🙂

Happy writing to you.


Urgency in Getting it All Down

I believe we all have many stories that should see the light of day. I believe that many of us will never write those stories down and that saddens me because I want to read those stories. At funerals, I’ve often wondered if the deceased accomplished what he or she set out to do in life. I think of all the wonderful untold life stories that go with that person.

We all wake up, most of us get ready for work or school, we spend our day doing our jobs and if we have families, we come home to make dinner, do homework with our children, talk to our significant others, perhaps eat it in front of the television and fall asleep. We wake up and do it all over again. That’s not all we do, of course, but you get the picture-we live our lives. We live the lives we’ve been taught to live or we do our own thing. Most of us follow routines that make our lives and the lives of our loved ones manageable and for some of us, that is enough and we are happy. Others, however, develop an urgency deep inside that whispers, “Time waits for no one, do that thing.”

Only you know what that “thing” is. That thing for me turned into two things–to write books and paint in between my books.

I believe that fear, excuses and our busy lives stop us from writing our stories. I am of the belief that you should fake it until you make it. Just write it all down. Write a daily journal, blog, keep a notebook with you at all times, or type out the stories of your life. Don’t worry about grammar or the right words, for now, just write.

As the granddaughter and daughter of oral storytellers, I had a wealth of information, details and storylines by the time I was in my 30’s. My memory and the repetition of these stories kept them alive for me as well as telling my kids the stories, but I didn’t write them down.

Soon after my mother’s death in 1992 at the young age of 57, I began to keep a journal. Her death shook my family and her friends to the core. Again, I wondered whether my beautiful mother had left things too late. Had she left unfinished business and did she live all her dreams? Or even one? She was the epitome of a great mother and grandmother, but I wasn’t sure.

My mother’s death was the kick in the pants and in the gut that I needed. I began a journal, written long-hand for over ten years in beautifully bound, unlined books. I took those bulky journals everywhere I went. I wrote during trips, vacations and even on walks because my entries also included photographs I’d taken along the way and small drawings done in interesting places. I wrote down pieces of conversations I heard on the Metro, in small cafes, and on ferry boat rides. I jotted down descriptions of people, of corner bodegas, and the tiniest flower. I began to see and write down what I saw and heard and how it made me feel. I also kept a notebook by my bed to record dreams.

During those years, the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron arrived as a Christmas gift from my father’s new wife, Rebecca. That was when I started my journey toward doing “that thing” and her book changed my life. I read the book alone, did the homework and went out on my Artist’s Dates and soon, I was sharing the book with girlfriends. We met once a month for a year and soon, another group was formed and I was facilitating. I began to write poetry and a year later, I wrote my book, A Decent Woman.

It is not surprising that through helping others with their creativity, I found my own.

Blogs have long replaced my journal. Julia might not agree and I understand that she may be right. I might go back to writing in my journal, just maybe…


The Social Media Merry-go-round

I joined NetworkedBlogs last night and I love it. I can now view all my favorite blogs in one place and save the blogs I want to read later which will free up my email inbox. What will they come up with next? That is tongue in cheek, of course. “They” have and will come up with tons more and I would like it all to slow down a bit. Please.

Social media. Gotta love it and sometimes, it’s a royal pain. I get it, though. I’ve used it for years, building my author platform and it really works, but new sites come up all the time. New and improved. As soon as I learn a new site or app, there are ten to take its place. My adult children are computer wizards. “Mom, try this. It’s right up your alley.”  Okay, thanks! Yet another site that I have to look into. Groan. Just let me work with what I have for a little while, I want to say! It’s second nature for the younger generation, but it didn’t come easy to me.

Take my maternal grandmother for instance. She was born in 1900 in the coastal town of Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico, just outside the colonial town of Ponce. When she died in 1994, she had seen and experienced the horse and buggy, the telegraph, trains, cars, land line telephones, victrolas, radios, tape recorders, television, airplane travel and computers. My grandmother had a cell phone when she was 90 and watched me write and do research on a computer when I visited her. I remember her amazement at the information available to us by simply typing words and phrases in little Search boxes. She took it all in stride and went with the flow, as I must do.

But, you don’t understand. I still happen to think it’s pretty amazing that when I fire up my laptop, I am instantly connected to our world and beyond. No joke. I truly am. To a non-computer, tech-savvy person such as myself, I marvel that when I log on, it all works. I am instantly connected with my favorite authors, blogs I love, and I can keep up with what my favorite authors and artists are doing through their posts on Instagram, LinkedIn, NetworkedBlogs, Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

I’m doing all that, as well and I know there are sites that I should be using and I will. Just give me time. It takes up a whole lot of time to maintain a social media presence. On good days, it’s a lot of fun. I normally tackle this blog in the mornings and then, post it onto my various sites. I read the news of the day online and midday, I post again. In the early evening, I check all the sites to see who read what and who followed or liked me. It is then that I answer emails and respond to comments. In between all this, of course, I’m writing and trying to figure out what I can eat in my pantry so that I don’t have to go out. Once a week, I read the blogs I follow and I comment. I love that day and learn so much from writers, authors, publishers and agents. I make a pot of tea, grab my afghan and away I go into someone else’s world. In the late evenings, I read books, the news online, and very often, I fall asleep after a chapter of my current book. I wonder why?

When I write, the Internet can be very distracting. I’ve been known to write a paragraph of a novel and then, stop because I’ve just written something that I must research.This happens all the time. With a very innocent sentence such as, “Isabel leaned against the palm tree…”, I am stopped dead in my tracks. Palm tree. Is that correct? I know Puerto Rico has palm trees, but what type of palm tree, what variety of palm tree? Did that variety exist in 1901 in Puerto Rico? See what I mean? It’s constant but, at times like that, I thank God for the World Wide Web and for my BFF Kristine who immediately Googled palm trees and uncovered the Royal Palm!

Social media is never far from my thoughts. I know very few authors, writers and artists who don’t “do” social media. Even Pinterest has become a place to market and sell books. I cannot get onto Pinterest if I have any chance of writing. That is my one addiction. I must have 30 boards and of course, I have a board for my novel, an inspirational board, and a board of the books I want to read, to include the ones presently on my nightstand. It’s SO addicting.

Most authors have a Facebook account for personal stuff and one for each book of their books. I love that idea and that’s what I did, as well. I don’t have a website yet, but I’m working on that. I know a woman who maintains 12 personal websites. I can’t even keep my ten usernames and passwords straight from various websites and I never remember a birthday (except for my children and immediate family) until I see it on my Facebook feed.

I just don’t have that much space left in my brain…or do I?

So, if you had the idea that writers do nothing but write and sit around in cafes, discussing the world over vino while smoking Havanas, think again. I tried that. I went to my neighborhood bakery shop that has WiFi to spend the whole day writing. It was fun, but I didn’t get a lot done. I drank way too much coffee, had way too many Zuzu cupcakes, watched the patrons come in and out, and I talked with the owners. Back home I went. I write better in the company of my animals where the coffee is basically free and I can listen to my favorite music uninterrupted. I still visit the bakery shop, but just not to write. I do, however, never leave without six mini Zuzu cupcakes.

Has anyone written a blog about how not to gain weight while writing a book? Let me know. I’d read that blog 🙂

Happy writing to you.


Book Covers and Design Questions

Last night, I sent Mindy Halleck, my Booktrope Editor and Book Manager, a fresh copy of my manuscript, A Decent Woman, for editing. I had a hard time pressing Send, though. I know my book is in her very capable and experienced hands, but I kept thinking that I should read it again to make sure I hadn’t made any dumb mistakes! I had to let that thought go. It is what it is at the moment and can be tweaked later. What made me feel better was that I found out that Mindy and I share many of the same favorite movies and books. She will get my book, I thought and she likes the Rumi quote I’ve selected for the opening page.

I’m honored to work with very talented folks–Laura Bastian is Project Manager, Jennifer Gracen is Proofreader, and Greg Simanson is the book cover designer. I find it exciting to work as a team which is so different from my everyday life since I live alone. For decades, I’ve painted alone and since 2005 when my children went off to college, I’ve written alone. As a single person, I make all my decisions and I have to say that I am loving being part of a team! I just have to keep my mind off the editing for now which isn’t hard to do with all the social media and blogging I’m doing and the web site design that will begin soon. I’m ready to work hard and do whatever I have to do to make this book the best representation of my work. I know my Team will help me make that happen.

I love the image we’re using for the book cover–Portrait d’une Negresse painted in 1800 by Marie-Guillemine Benoist, which hangs in the Louvre. I’ve always loved this painting and have wanted to use it for years. I am thrilled with all the positive response I’ve received to the painting as the book cover. It was the symbol for women’s rights at that time and also, the symbol to end racial oppression. As my protatonist, Afro-Cuban Ana Belen was a former slave, it is THE perfect image. The fact that it was painted by a woman is the icing on the cake for me.

Late last night, there was a question about the book cover type and size and the size of my name. The original version Greg showed us resonates with me. I like it very much because it resembles the block letters with which I sign my paintings. I was open to trying out a more feminine type which Greg very kindly sent us, but it didn’t work for me. A little too girly for my taste, but I am entirely open to looking at different types. We’ll see what the team thinks and what Greg comes up with. I’m sure it will be great.

So, my homework this morning was to look at my personal library in the third bedroom where I will be writing as soon as I unpack the boxes that have lined a wall for two years. The closer I get to seeing this book published, the more I am motivated to unpack the boxes and turn this room into my writing room! So, I pushed a couple of boxes over and looked at dozens of book covers and created a stack of what worked for me. The type that I seemed to gravitate toward was the more blockish types, not the script or curvy types. I agree that my name should be larger, remain in the crimson color that matches the sash around the woman’s waist, and the title should remain in white, but now size is a new concern. Should my name be the same size as the title? Should I add “a Novel” to the book cover, right under the title? I like that idea very much.

So many questions and at the end of the day, it’s all very subjective, isn’t it? Art and design are like that. There are no stead-fast rules to follow in art and I’m not well-versed in design. You either love or hate a book cover and if you don’t like the image, you might love the title or the short synopsis on the back cover. But, the book cover is what draws you to that book in the first place! The book cover is so important, but I can’t please all my readers, however. I think my Team and I will come up with the perfect book cover. I’m going with my gut and hope my team members agree because now I have to contact my friend Janet about creating my new author website. More design questions! My editor’s idea of using the same colors in the image of the painting/book cover in my website is spot on. Raw sienna or parchment, crimson and black would look great along with the same type as the title on the book cover.

Decisions, decisions. These types of decisions, I can live with and enjoy!


Do Not Be Deterred From the Business!

I thought my West Virginia town would escape the big snow today. It started snowing last night and by midnight, all we had was a light layer of snow in yards and nothing on the roads and sidewalks. When I went to bed, I thought we’d escape with a light dusting, but I woke up to four inches of wet snow and it’s still snowing. My heart sunk. Honestly and really? We’re three days away from Spring and we’re due more snow on Wednesday. I just can’t think of it.

There was nothing to think about. Like a robot, I took my trusty blue shovel from its spot in the kitchen (because I’ve needed it more than you know) and headed outside to make a path for my dogs. I’m still hopeful and a little crazy enough to believe that this time, Sophie, my six-month-old Chihuahua puppy, would forget the snow and do her business outside. Ozzy, my six-year-old Pug, is a champ. He doesn’t let anything deter him from his business!

In my favorite white bathrobe and winter boots, I shoveled the sidewalk in front of my house and my neighbor’s. The wet snow was surprisingly easy to shovel off the sidewalk and it looked like it was melting. Hallelujah. Then, an idea began to take form. I was too cold to make sense of that idea, but I hung onto this embryonic idea as I set the shovel on the rug in the foyer to dry. I sat in the living room with a mug of hot tea and watched my Manx, Pierre, curl up in my corner chair. The snow, the rain, the sun, the clouds, nothing deters this cat from taking his naps and going about his business of keeping my house and everyone in it in line.

That was it! I could do this! I can “do” this perpetual snow because I’ve written a book! I could deal with another snow because I’d queried 100 agents in the last two years and I’ve opened email after email with that hope that this is the one only to find that it was a rejection. The same with the snowfalls this winter. I’ve kept shoveling and shoveling, hoping this was the last damn time and it would snow again.

Life and the Universe have equipped me (with a little help from me) to deal with the constant upheaval of bad weather, shoveling, and extreme snow because I’ve written a book. That has toughened me up. In my humble opinion, no one is as determined, persistent, tenacious, hopeful, and stubborn as a writer. Its blood, sweat, and tears (honestly) to write a book and to edit and edit until your eyes water. I’ve had to refuse fun invitations, not take the part-time job because it paid nothing and the hours would preclude me from writing, and I’ve spent thousands of hours alone in my head.

My historical fiction novel, A Decent Woman, is finished and it was accepted for publication by Booktrope. There’s still a lot of work to be done before my book’s debut, but I’m well on my way. The book cover is done and I am working with an awesome Booktrope team. A Decent Woman should debut this summer if all goes well.

Holding my book in my hands still feels like a long way off, but then again, so does Spring. So, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! We can do this!


Facing My Fears

My good friends bought an awesome A-frame cabin in Great Capacon, West Virginia a year ago. I’m in love with their cabin and all the rustic furnishings, especially the amazing stone fireplace that reaches the ceiling. They have three beautiful acres that surround the cabin and plenty of places for their Golden Retriever to find adventures. It’s a magical place where I can see myself finishing my second novel. I’m very fortunate that my gracious friends have invited me to write there during the week and it’s only an hour from my house. And, they have Wifi!

On the second morning of my visit, my friend B asked me if I was ready for a mini road trip. I’m always ready for a road trip! I grabbed my camera and off we drove up and down hills and along the Great Capacon River. The snow on the ground was finally melting and I could see spots of ice on the river. It was a beautiful day in West Virginia. Soon, we were driving up a steep hill and then, we stopped. From where we were parked, I couldn’t see anything but trees, so we got out and B walked aka kinda slid down a small embankment to what looked like the edge of the known world. I caught a glimpse of a river, but I turned away as quickly as I could.

This little story is about how we are able to freak ourselves out and how ridiculous our thoughts can be when we are faced with our greatest fear. My friend had no idea that I am deathly afraid of heights, so I don’t blame him one bit! I was thrilled to see this little piece of Heaven that B loves and it was a beautiful sight to behold.

So, B went to the edge, looked over and came back. “It’s awesome, El! Wait until you get down there!” The incline was pretty steep to the edge and my boots kept skidding. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared, but when he held out his hand, I took it, mostly to steady myself. I immediately felt light-headed and not sure on my feet as we inched forward. I sure as hell didn’t go out to the edge where he’d stood. I told him that I had gone as far as I could. I sat on a rock because I was getting dizzy.

I suddenly realized that this was a perfect place to kill someone. Like in the movies. Had I pissed B off in any way in our many years of friendship? Was killing me the reason he hadn’t asked Angie to join us? He could bring me to the edge and lightly push my back and over I would go into the wild blue yonder. No! This was ridiculous. Stop it, I told myself. I love this man, my friend!

I was fascinated at my body’s reaction to the height, the imminent danger and our potential deaths. My body shook, my stomach felt really weird and I finally knew what it must have felt like for Thelma and Louise before driving off the cliff! I couldn’t control my hands and flipping stomach. A small landslide could surely knock us into the abyss and forget about a shale avalanche, sheesh. I forced myself to think pretty thoughts.

I kept fighting with my imagination of losing my balance and falling to my death onto the craggy rocks below and then, Bob went closer to the edge filled with shale chips. I couldn’t even look at the river and small waterfall because I thought B was going to die any second. What would I tell Angie?! Uhmmm, A…your husband is dead. I’m so sorry to tell you that B is dead. She would ask me if I’d helped him and I would have to tell her the truth or lie.

I managed to take a photo of B looking toward their cabin (which we couldn’t see) and I wondered if this would be the last known photograph taken of him before he became one with the Great Capacon River. Then, I had a horrible thought. What did the cliff look like from underneath? What was holding up this inclined cliff? More shale?

I couldn’t stand it. I asked him to pretty please come back a foot and from the look on my face, he realized that I was petrified. He laughed and came to where I was sitting. “You that scared, El?”

“You bet your sweet ass as I am!” I had to laugh and before I knew it, I was looking to my left and this photo is what I saw. It was breathtaking in every sense of the word. A miracle of nature. I took more than 25 photos and even managed to slowly stand up for the last few and then, I was done!

Before coming out to visit my friends, I’d told them that I wanted to shoot some guns. I wanted to cross that off my bucket list. We shot rifles, a 45 and a huge handgun. My hands shook with every pull of the trigger and my shoulder was sore, but that was an exhilarating fear, not like my fear of heights. Ellie will remain on safe ground where she intends to stay. Yep.

Remind me to tell you about the one car wooden “bridge” we had to cross to get back home. No railings and the rising river was no more than a foot below. Yeah. A vacation house for sure IF you can get there and remain safe inside the cabin with no avalanches, floods or mudslides.

Note: I am presently looking for a cabin in that area. I honestly love it out there 🙂 I had a lovely weekend, thank you, B&A! You are the mostest of the mostest.


The Mind Games Writers Play

Boy, do writers play mind games with themselves to stay in the writing seat. I sure do. I’m trying to ignore the fact that the weather is gorgeous today. We have blue skies, a light breeze, and mild temperatures. Normally, I can work through most distractions, but my Inner Child is alive and well today. After such a brutal and long winter, can you blame me for not wanting to remain indoors!

My dogs and I walked around the flower garden this morning and the daffodils are coming up. The Lily of the Valley plants are popping up near the ancient grape arbor and the peonies should be coming up soon. I inherited my love of gardening and mostly green thumb from my Puerto Rican grandmother, Meme who had the most beautiful garden in Ponce, Puerto Rico where I’m from. To make matters worse, last week, I bought a great greenhouse and trays of organic dirt pots to grow seeds in. It is taking everything I have not to bring that box inside from the trunk of my car. I have editing to do this weekend. I am ignoring the greenhouse because then, my editing and writing will be doomed for today.

Are you like me? Is it all or nothing for you? I get in those moods. Most days, I can write for nine or ten hours a day and if I don’t have a huge chunk of time the following day, it can threaten my creative mood. If anything on my ever-growing, to-do list for my house crosses my mind, it can break the creative cycle, as well. I’m not allowing that to happen today. I’m nearly finished with the final edits of my novel, A Decent Woman. I promised Mindy, my editor, to send her a fresh copy of the manuscript by next Wednesday and I’m honoring my promise.

What else must we do to write without interruptions, distractions, and delays? Just do it. That’s the solution? Yep. Just write through it ALL. Steal an hour or two to write and don’t give in to the censors and distractions in our heads. The dishes will be there tonight or tomorrow and Spring isn’t here yet. I have time for gardening later!

Okay, I feel better. My Inner Child is happy again. I don’t have to pull my hair out and stress my semi-organized house that could look better. All I have to do is show up to write. So simple. It’s not complicated, it’s ME who is complicating it all.

I do, however, have to color my hair. Some things just can’t be left for later.

Happy Saturday!


The 30-Second Elevator Pitch

You know what I find to be the two most difficult experiences about writing books? Writing a brief synopsis and the 30-second elevator pitch. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.  You meet someone at a cafe, on the Metro or on an elevator and they ask you, “What is your book about?” The dreaded five words for an author…namely, me.

Give me a topic, ask me to describe a scene from a movie, complete with dialogue, or write you an email about something that just happened to me. I’ll write my head off. Pages and pages of information will spew forth with details that you never knew or cared to know. That is how I tell a story–with a beginning, middle and an end. You will also have background information and all you need to know about what just happened to me which is why I began a journal years ago. I seem to have a lot to say which is why I write books. My friends seem relieved and my children are happy that Mom has an outlet.

Writing a synopsis was tough for a long-winded person such as myself and it took me awhile, but I managed to put together a good, four-page synopsis. Not easy, but done. Two weeks ago via Skype, my editor asked me the dreaded question, “What’s your book about?” I should know this, right? I’ve written the book, for goodness sake! But, I struggled to give her a succinct, complete and clear description about what my book is about. All I have to say is that I was humbled and boy, did I fumble with words! She kindly explained. “Pretend you’re on an elevator and have 30 seconds to get a person so interested in your book that they go right out and buy it.” The 30-second elevator pitch. I said that I would get right on it and get back to her!

Listen, I wrote the first draft of my novel, A Decent Woman, in six months. I ended up with over 300 pages and roughly, 28,000 words came pouring out. I had an outline and a four-page synopsis which was what agents and publishers were looking for. I could do this!

A week later, I sent my editor the 30-second elevator pitch for A Decent Woman. Three sentences. Do you know how hard that is?! Damn hard. I deleted four versions. Last night, my editor sent me her revision of my pitch. This morning, I incorporated her changes into mine and came up with this:

A Decent Woman is a novel of catastrophe and survival, choices and betrayal, the story of the midwife Ana and the women she meets along her journey who find themselves pitted one against one another in the male-dominated Puerto Rico at the turn of the century. It is the story of the bonding power of unlikely friendships that carries them through tragedy and betrayal and the cost of living with dark secrets.

What do you think? Would you buy this book based on this pitch?

And remind me to tell you what happened to me this morning on the way to the corner store to buy half and half…



Can You Blog? Yes, You Can!

* This is an older blog and I’m resubmitting it with additions on this new blog because I’m still asked this question. *

Can You Blog? Yes, You Can!

When I’m asked what I do for a living, I answer that I’m a writer, poet, artist, photographer, and blogger. The word blogger usually generates interest and creates dialogue.

Here are a few questions I’ve received about my life as a blogger:

What’s your blog about?
How often do you blog?
How and why did you start a blog?
Do people follow your blog?
Do you know who reads your blog?
Do you give out personal information?

and lastly,

How can I start my own blog?

Here are my answers and a little information about me:

What’s your blog about?

My blog, The Writing Life, is about my life as a writer. I blog about my life’s experiences as they relate to writing and living my dream of being a full-time writer. I blog about the challenges, perseverance, joys and hard work necessary to write a novel, query agents, write and edit, query editors and publishers, and market a blog and first novel. My historical fiction novel, A Decent Woman, will be published in Summer 2014 by Booktrope.

How often do you blog?

Nearly every day. I kept a journal for over 15 years and blogging was easier than writing long-hand. I began journaling while reading Julia Cameron’s seminal book, The Artist’s Way and never stopped!

How and why did you start a blog?

My son introduced me to blogging and I think my kids encouraged me to blog because they thought Mom needed an outlet/creative outlet. They were right. I also believe they were tired of listening to me 🙂 I journaled long-hand, every day for over 15 years and blogging felt very natural. Not blogging feels like not brushing my teeth!

I started a blog about writing because I learned I needed an author blog as a platform for my novel-length manuscript, A Decent Woman. I discovered that new authors must have an established platform before they publish their first book. Blogging keeps me writing and working on my novel when I think I can’t read or write another word! Writing a blog is a discipline that I love and can’t imagine not doing. I was on another blogging site for two years before I forgot my password and had to move to WordPress~!

My new blog has changed from a writer’s blog to an author’s blog as my book, A Decent Woman, will be published Summer 2014 🙂

Do people follow your blog?

I’d previously enjoyed a large blog following and met six fellow bloggers over the years which is great because that blog no longer exists. The interaction with readers was great. I’m thrilled when someone adds my blog, The Writing Life, to their reading lists and I love receiving comments! I always reply to comments, it’s just good manners.

Do you know who follows your blog?

No, I don’t know every person who reads my blog. Making friends wasn’t why I started blogging, though ultimately, I loved the interaction and would love to connect more with my readers. So, please make yourself known 🙂 I love the kind comments I received and would love to know more about my readers who seem to live around the world.

Do you give out personal information?

No, I don’t. I’m a writer living West Virginia, originally from Northern Virginia, born in Puerto Rico. I’m the mother of two fantastic young adults who no longer live in my nest. I’m also Mom to a Pug named Ozzy, a Chihuahua puppy named Sophie, and a Maine Coon named Pierre. We have a very harmonious home and my furry children are great company.

While I may blog about my writing adventures, road trips, false starts, and my goals in writing, I don’t give out personal information, i.e., my address, phone number. I never use the full names of my friends and people I come into contact with, either.

How can I start my own blog?

Just start right where you are today! Just start writing about your life, what you love and are passionate about.

Think of a catchy user name or title for your blog.
Research your favorite people, authors or artists and peruse their blogs.
Take a great pic and upload great pics for your blog.
Write about what interests you.
Write about your dreams, struggles, joys and/or travel adventures.
Write what you know.
You may be an expert at something, share your gifts!
Be real and allow yourself to be vulnerable.
If you write novels, poetry and/or have wonderful creative gifts, definitely start a blog!
Show and share your work within reason.
If you have an unpublished manuscript, do not upload the entire document. Try a sample chapter instead to share with readers.

Interact with your readers!
Leave comments on your favorite blogs! Let them know you are interested and reading their kind comments!

What do I still need to work on in my blogging life:

The last entry–Leave more comments on my favorite blogs and review books on my blog.

I’m still learning to organize my time so that I have time to read, write and edit my novels. I read two books at a time and I read at least a dozen author blogs a day. I don’t always have time to comment on other author blogs and I need to fix that!

I can and WILL make time to comment on other author’s blogs, especially those in my genre, historical fiction. I will also begin to review books, especially those in my genre. Cross my heart.


Don’t Screw with Momentum

I learned the hard way not to screw with momentum in December 2013.

I’d finished editing my historical novel, A Decent Woman, for the hundredth time and was busy avoiding the mailman who only seemed to hand me rejection letters from the many query letters I’d sent out. I was feeling the winter blah’s and decided that I needed a break. So, I took a break, all of December. Did I mention that it was a mistake?

I messed with momentum and angered the writing gods. So in January when I was ready to begin blogging again, my red laptop decided that it would no longer turn on. It was then that I realized that I’d never written the password for my Blogger blog. That was a horrifying feeling! What could I do? I bought a new laptop and started this Author blog because on Valentine’s Day this year, my historical novel was accepted for publication by Booktrope.

Now, I’m busy with edits, synopses, story arcs, and future rewrites of my novel (hopefully not many!) and learning the ropes at Booktrope. I’m happy, seriously happy and I have to get back on the blogging saddle once again. I took to blogging like a duck to water, so it shouldn’t be too long before I’m blogging first thing in the morning. I’ve been a nearly every day blogger for years, so you will see me again!
