This blog post is a later version of an essay I was honored to contribute to eYs Magazine, an online Australian magazine. I’m grateful to eYs Magazine CEO and author Jasmina Siderovski and contributing author Marsha Casper Cook, for inviting me.

Three years on, two vaccines, and two boosters later, I have managed to duck contracting the Coronavirus disease. This morning, I administered an at-home Covid-19 test after a recent ten-day visit to my home country of Puerto Rico. I tested negative. I am relieved.

Whether or not folks have tested positive for Covid, most people I know, including myself, are still cautious and judicious about where we shop, dine, and how we travel. I still avoid dining indoors and large gatherings. When I leave the house, I wear a mask and keep hand sanitizer in my purse.

A few friends and family members who contracted Covid are glad to have had the disease as they claim to have shored up antibodies against hospitalization (and death) with a potential future infection. That could be true. Me? I do not want the disease. I deal with daily autoimmune issues, thank you very much.

Physically, I have escaped the virus. Emotionally, I know the stress of the last three years, which included the politics of Covid, US politics in general, and especially quarantining and experiencing the global pandemic lockdown solo for a year and a half with my dog, has affected me. Before the pandemic, I lived alone by choice. It’s another matter entirely to be forced to live alone. Of course, it affected my emotional health. These days, I am a bit more anxious, less happy-go-lucky, less impulsive, and more reactive to bad behavior than before the pandemic. Can you relate? Thank God for writing!

My daily decision making now involves questions such as, should I fly or drive to that wedding? Do I need brown sugar bad enough to go to the store today? Should I travel to Puerto Rico this summer? Is it time to begin accepting dinner dates and in-person book events to market my two books? Much thought and deliberation about potential risk are always involved. To some, this may sound a bit much, but to me, it feels weirdly “normal” in light of the state of the world and current events.

In 2020, I read an article that stopped me in my tracks. It spoke about men, women, and children in quarantine around the world living with their abuser(s). Folks were living with spouses or significant others, who in “normal” times, they would have separated or fled from. They were staying put for various reasons—fear, economic dependence, toxic emotional attachments, perceived safety. Tensions ran high and across the nation, best friends stopped speaking and families took opposite political sides. Children, who are dependent on stable adults to handle and maneuver unknown or dangerous situations, found themselves living with stressed out parents and caregivers, and dealing with at-home learning with stressed out teachers. Most were trying to do their best; however, some folks lost control of themselves.

The rates of domestic violence in the United States and Puerto Rico during 2020-2121 rose to frightening proportions. Murders of transsexual people reached dangerous levels in Puerto Rico. Femicides rose dramatically around the world. Tragically, femicide is not new, yet during 2020-2021, when people were losing their jobs, their homes, their livelihood, their minds, the numbers reached ungodly, unacceptable numbers. It was frightening to watch what was happening to women around the world, and ultimately to their children and families.

Mass shootings in the US, an ongoing tragedy in this country, have risen exponentially. On July 5, 2022, at least 314 mass shootings were reported in the United States. This year. In one country.

Committed, selfless social workers, mental health therapists, nurses, medical specialists, laboratory workers, hospital staff, surgeons, and doctors have been incredible during this global pandemic. Absolute heroes, who’ve experienced high rates of burn out are exhausted. Mentally spent. Who cares for them? Healthcare systems around the world were pushed beyond safe, sane limits. In Puerto Rico, doctors and nurses and medical specialists fled the island to the United States seeking better paying jobs. Where does this end?

Currently, the American economy seems unstable. The world seems unstable. There’s an ongoing war in Europe. We are paying soaring gas prices and often dealing with limited food products on grocery shelves. Europe is experiencing global warming with insanely high temperatures and fires across the continent. What’s next? I asked that question last month. Then, monkeypox reared its ugly head. Today, more than 16,500 cases of monkeypox have been reported in 74 countries.

While millions of us may have escaped Covid-19 infection, hospitalization, and death, none of us have come away unscathed, unaffected. Not one of us. I will never forget the 6.38M souls who lost their lives in this global pandemic. I felt as if we’d lost an entire generation of our elderly. Sadly, over 300 people die from the disease every day in the United States.

Be kind. Practice patience. Breathe. Wear your mask. Get the two vaccines and available boosters. Laugh often. Make your mental health a priority. Live simply. Plant a garden. Choose peace.

Most importantly, consider advocating to make Covid-19 vaccines and boosters available to every single person on our planet. It has always been vitally important to take care of everyone, now more than ever.

Eleanor Parker Sapia


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN (2017 & 2019 International Latino Book Awards) and the award-winning collection of poetry, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. (2021 International Latino Book Awards). Eleanor’s books are published by Winter Goose Publishing.

Eleanor is currently working on her second historical novel, THE LAMENTS, and a new poetry collection, currently titled ERASE AND REWIND.

September Thoughts

In a corner of the garden, Morning Glory vines have all but taken over the old red wagon and half of the vintage Belgian chair with the missing rush seat.

From mid-June to August, I battle with the flowering vines as they weave in and out of the posts of the side fence. They wind around and around the Lilac and Rose of Sharon bushes, the Dogwood and Cypress trees. I untangle, unwind, and cut myriad strands of braided vines. Often, it’s a losing battle!

By the end of September, when the visits have wound down, the days become cooler and shorter as Autumn approaches, I let the Morning Glory run wild. That’s when I finally pay attention to their beauty. This morning, coffee cup in hand and pen poised over the pages of my journal, I enjoy and appreciate the vivid purple and dark pink blooms around me that seem to say, “What took you so long?”

Be present. Be in nature. Be at peace. Stop fighting the situations, challenges, and people around you. Just be.

Enjoy good memories. Sit with the triumphs, tears, and joyful moments of the year. Soon, it will be time to go inward in every sense of the word.


About Eleanor Parker Sapia:

Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN (2017 & 2019 International Latino Book Awards) and the award-winning collection of poetry, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. (2021 International Latino Book Awards). Eleanor’s books are published by Winter Goose Publishing.

Eleanor is currently working on her second historical novel, THE LAMENTS, and a new poetry collection, currently titled ERASE AND REWIND.

The Best Is Yet To Come?

May 25, 2022

What a year. And we’re only in May.

The pandemic continues. Around the world, people are still dying from the Covid-19 virus. The Russian war against Ukraine continues to devastate Ukraine and its people. Millions of people, now refugees, fled their country. Roe v. Wade is threatened, again. Women’s rights continue to be abused and trampled on around the world. Baby formula is scarce. A Palestinian-American journalist was slain. No one is taking responsibility for her death. Gas prices are close to $5.00. White supremacy and advocates of this pestilence continue to ooze from behind every corner. They no longer hide in the shadows. It’s out of control. Massacres due to gun violence continue. Mental health beyond a critical place. Folks are getting laid off and are forced to work two, three jobs to try to make ends meet. Crypto millionaires are snatching up land and properties in Puerto Rico, encouraged by US tax breaks. Greed and power. And the rich keep getting richer. I could go on and on.

I no longer ask, “What now?” Each day, there is a new or ongoing crisis that keeps my head reeling and my heart hurting.

In early April, I stopped watching news broadcasts and reading newspapers. It was too much for me. Believe me, enough news still seeps in through social media outlets. That’s where I learned about the monkey pox virus and that an asteroid the size of the Empire State building is hurling through space toward the Earth. Last night, I learned the asteroid will miss us. What the hell.

Note: I edited this blog post in the morning. Late afternoon, I discovered that 19 elementary school students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas were murdered. I was stunned. My heart broke as I watched the news broadcasts in evening. My April news fast was broken. How long can we stand by and watch the murder of innocents? When will our elected political leaders finally do the right thing and pass sane gun laws that protect us? Sadly, I don’t know the answers to those questions.

I worry about my niece, an elementary school teacher, and all teachers and their students. They are frightened. Parents are frightened and suffering. Feeling unsafe, not in control in our lives and the lives of our children and family members is not normal.

I do know one thing: The line, “This is not who we are”, is a lie. This IS who we are.

There is one woman speaking truth to power — Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados. If you haven’t heard of her, look her up. I admire her very much. Watch the video of her speech at the Opening of the COP26 World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

On a more positive light, in mid-April, I cohosted my beloved daughter and her fiancé’s engagement party. The joyous, elegant, and intimate celebration was held in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Our family and friends joined my future son-in-law’s family and friends for the first time. It was wonderful to celebrate the happy couple and to hug family and friends after two years of being apart. It was healing to forget about the cares of the world and the pain and suffering of the last two years for one beautiful weekend of love and family. There were a lot of tears, mostly happy tears, but I know our tears were also a mixture of releasing of pent-up emotions, of negativity, fear, and anxiety mixed with a great need to connect with others. God knows we all needed something to celebrate. My daughter’s wedding is to be held next year.

I drove back to West Virginia with my dog Miss Sophie, happy that I chose not to sell my house and move to Northern Virginia. It would have been a huge mistake for me. This old house has its quirks and issues, but it’s home. My refuge. A sanctuary. This is the home where I wrote and saw my first novel, A Decent Woman, and my first poetry collection, Tight Knots. Loose Threads. published.

These days, I’m focused on preparing the draft manuscript for my second novel, The Laments, for a story development editor. I’m excited to work with her this summer. I finally ordered a printer and a package of red ink pens, which will help as I work best with physical copies of my manuscripts. I’m old school.

So, we move forward. I can’t control much of what happens in the world around me, but I can do my small part to help. I can also control and make sure my creative life continues to thrive. My creative goals are front and center again, where they belong.

As my friend Jack says, “Art is salvation”. Amen.

Be well. Ellie x


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN (2017 & 2019 International Latino Book Awards) and the award-winning collection of poetry, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. (2021 International Latino Book Awards). Eleanor’s books are published by Winter Goose Publishing.

Eleanor is currently working on her second novel, THE LAMENTS, and a new collection of poetry, currently titled ERASE AND REWIND.

23rd Annual International Latino Book Awards: Tight Knots. Loose Threads. Poetry

I’m thrilled to share amazing news–my debut poetry collection, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS., was honored with a Bronze Award for Best First Book, Fiction (Poetry) at the 23rd Annual International Latino Book Awards.

My gratitude and thanks to Jessica Kristie, a talented poet and my publisher (Winter Goose Publishing) for believing in my poetry collection. I’m grateful to Empowering Latino Futures and the committees, judges, and volunteer readers of the 2021 International Latino Book Awards, who worked hard to make this year’s online event a beautiful success.

Congratulations to all the Award Winners and Honorable Mentions!

Keep telling your stories–it matters.

Eleanor Parker Sapia


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN (2017 & 2019 International Latino Book Awards) and the award-winning collection of poetry, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. (2021 International Latino Book Awards). Eleanor’s books are published by Winter Goose Publishing.

A novelist, poet, artist, and photographer, Eleanor is hard at work on her second historical novel, THE LAMENTS, set in 1926 Puerto Rico.

When she is not writing, Eleanor facilitates creativity groups for women, tends her gardens, and tells herself she will walk El Camino de Santiago de Compostela a second time. Eleanor is the mother of two adult children and a Chihuahua named Sophie.

The 23rd International Latino Book Awards Finalists


I hope you are enjoying your summer and staying healthy. Mask up, everyone. The Delta variant is a real and present danger. Get your vaccines. I’m ready for my first booster shot after the two initial vaccines. Not taking any chances.

I’m thrilled to share that my first poetry collection, Tight Knots. Loose Threads. is a Finalist in the 2021 International Latino Books Awards for Best First Book, Fiction. Tight Knots. Loose Threads. joins A Decent Woman, my first historical novel, with literary awards–what an honor.

Congratulations to all the Finalists and Honorable Mentions! Thank you ILBA and Empowering Latino Futures, judges, and readers for all you do for Latinx authors.

Eleanor x


“Empowering Latino Futures
International Latino Book Awards
The Largest Awards in the USA Celebrating Achievements in Latino Literature

Major Publishers Are Paying Attention to Books By & About Latinos
By Kirk Whisler

The International Latino Book Awards is a major refection that the fastest growing group in the USA has truly arrived. The Awards are now by far the largest
Latino cultural Awards in the USA and with the 276 finalists this year in 105 categories, it has now honored the greatness of 3,470 authors and publishers over the past two decades. The size of the Awards is proof that books by and about Latinos are in high demand. In 2020 Latinos will purchase over $750 million in books in
English and Spanish.

The 2021 Finalists for the 23rd Annual International Latino Book Awards are another reflection of the growing quality of books by and about Latinos. About 42% of the winners were from major U.S. and Int’l publishers, up from 19% five years ago.
In order to handle this large number of books, the Awards had 198 judges in 2021. The judges shared how hard it was because there are now so many great books being published.

Judges included librarians, educators, media professionals, leaders of national organizations, Pulitzer Prize Winners, and even elected officials. The Awards celebrates books in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Finalists are from across the USA, Puerto Rico, and 19 other countries. The Awards are produced by Empowering Latino Futures, a nonprofit organization co-founded in 1997 by Edward James Olmos and Kirk Whisler. Other ELF programs include the Latino Book & Family Festival, currently being held virtually at http://www.LBFF.us, our 69th Festival. The International Society of Latino Authors now has 140+ members. Education Begins in the Home has supplied books to 155,000+ young readers. The Latino & American Indian Scholarship Directory has been used by 182,000 students. More than 80 episodes of the Latino Reads Podcast have now aired. ELF’s programs have now touched well over a million people. Over 350 volunteers annually donate 14,000+ hours of service.

The Awards Ceremony will be held virtually October 16 and 17 via http://www.LatinoBookAwards.org. Current and past sponsors have included AALES, AARP, American Library Association, Atria Publishing, Book Expo America, California State University System, California State University Dominguez Hills, California State University San Bernardino, Entravision, Independent Book Publishers Association, Las Comadres para las Americas, Libros Publishing, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Community College District, MAAC, MAOF, MiraCosta College, Piping Industry Progress & Education Trust Fund, REFORMA, Scholastic Books, and Visa. ELF has recently gotten grants from Amazon, LULAC, SDGE, and the SBA.”


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN, and her first collection of poetry titled, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. both published by Winter Goose Publishing.

Eleanor is currently working on her second historical novel set in Puerto Rico called THE LAMENTS. She is the mother of two amazing young adults and tells herself that one day, she will walk El Camino de Santiago de Compostela again.


Book Release Day – April 29 – Tight Knots. Loose Threads. Poetry

April 26, 2021

Three more days!

Release Day is an exciting day for any author. It’s exciting to see the words you written – agonized and cried over, rearranged and rewritten – in final form. In this case, I’m speaking about my first collection of poems titled TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. published by Winter Goose Publishing.

I’m more than excited to receive the physical copies of my first collection of poems. A dream come true. I say that with all my books and it’s true! But this week, especially today, three days before the release, time is moving like a super slow, silent snail leaving a slimy trail on a sidewalk! Slow!

Then I remember, everything moves forward as it should. Timing is everything.

I wrote my first poem, a Haiku, as a child in elementary school. I still enjoy the challenge of writing Haiku. I wrote my first poem in 2000 as a wife and a mother of two high school students. Nineteen poems followed. Life changed for me. As a single woman, I wrote over forty poems. Ten years later, I wrote ten poems and realized I had enough good poems for a collection. Between November 2020 to January 2021, I wrote eight more poems.

Then the real work and the stage I love began–rewriting, editing, and finessing. It’s the same with writing novels–I love the editing stage.

When I’m working a painting or writing, I’m often asked,

“How do you know when you’re done?”

I know.

I knew TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. was ready for publication when after the twentieth time (or more) I’d read the poems and didn’t make one single tweak or change. I was finished. The collection was finished and ready for readers. And I’m a picky creative, smile.

It takes a helluva lot for me to say, “I am done. This is finished.” And I always add, “I’ve done my best with what I know today.”

Common question asked of writers are, “Is the story about you?” and “Are all the poems about you?” Absolutely not. Love is universal. We’ve all experienced love, love denied, betrayal, loss, the one who got away, and we’ve all hoped for true love.

I hope you will order a copy of TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. and that you enjoy my words. If you do enjoy the poems, I hope you will consider leaving an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Thank you in advance! Be well!

Eleanor x


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN, and her first collection of poetry titled, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. both published by Winter Goose Publishing. The release date for the collection of poetry is 4/29/2021.

A novelist, poet, artist, and photographer, Eleanor lives in Berkeley County, West Virginia, where she is working on her second historical novel, THE LAMENTS, set in 1926 Puerto Rico


What a thrill it is to see my first poetry book, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. on my Amazon Author Page alongside my first novel, A DECENT WOMAN. Thank you to Winter Goose Publishing for taking a chance on my novel and this collection of poems. I remain grateful.

I realize it’s an hourly thing and Amazon book rankings go up and down, up and down, but an hour ago, TIGHT KNOTS. was still #1 in the Poetry about Death genre, #2 in Poetry About Love, and #2 in Poetry About Love and Erotica. And a bestseller (#27) in Love and Erotica Poetry. It’s always a thrill no matter how many books one has written.



So what am I doing publishing my first collection of love poems at the age of 63? Shouldn’t the art of writing love poems be left to the young? Shouldn’t I be on the couch knitting? I love to knit, by the way. Or maybe defrosting the fridge? Doing anything other than writing love poems that my publisher just added to the love, death, and erotica poetry genre categories? Erotica. That makes me smile.

You know what? I should be doing all those things plus writing love poems that will make you cry, laugh, raise your eyebrows, cause your heart to swell, and make you think. Make you think about your past, the present, and yes, of a future with love.

Love is eternal. Love is magical. It doesn’t matter how old you are — we all need love — and love doesn’t solely belong to the young.

Speaking of young, maybe you’re wondering, “Do Eleanor’s adult children know what she’s been up to all these years with her poetry?” The answer is yes! My kids and their loves read an early draft of the manuscript and they are very supportive. Each one is a brilliant writer.

A friend teased that she will know which poems are mine. I said she won’t because we’ve all had our heart broken. We’ve experienced love. We’ve been married, single, and divorced. And no, I’ll never tell which poems are about me. After all, a lady needs an element of mystery.

So, why publish a collection of love poems now?

2020. Isn’t that reason enough? Tragically, over 500,000 beautiful souls died and it broke my heart. Why not? Life is precious and I am celebrating LIFE.

The second reason is for women over 50 and beyond, who sometimes feel invisible, no longer relevant, or stagnant in their day to day and creative lives. It is possible to write a book and to keep writing at any age. Please don’t forget, there’s no perfect time, it always seems too hard, and your words matter.


Lastly, I dared to publish a collection of poems at 63 because I have been writing poems and stashing them in folders, in desks, and on Word for twenty years. Long enough. If not now, when? Never doesn’t work for me.

The poems gestated and went through enormous transformation. Light was refracted, bent, and everything became clear that it was time to put the poems together and birth this book.

While I may not know all the ins and outs of writing poetry, my heart needed to speak. I listened. Some may say I’m taking a risk, but it doesn’t feel like a risk to me. It feels great! My heart has carried these poems long enough.

Now, I can write more poems and focus on finishing my second novel, THE LAMENTS.

Thank you for pre-ordering your copy of TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. See? I’m thinking positive!

The official Release Date is 4/29/2021. I hope you enjoy enjoy my debut collection enough to post an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. I already know book reviews are golden gifts to all authors. I thank you in advance.

Stay well, be happy. Never give up on love.

Eleanor x


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN, set in 1900 Puerto Rico, and her first collection of poetry titled, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. both published by Winter Goose Publishing. The release date for the collection of poetry is 4/29/2021.

A novelist, poet, artist, and photographer, Eleanor lives in Berkeley County, West Virginia, where she is working on her second historical novel, THE LAMENTS, set in 1926 Puerto Rico.

When Eleanor is not writing, she facilitates creativity groups for women, tends her gardens, and tells herself she is making plans to walk El Camino de Santiago a second time. Eleanor is the mother of two fantastic adult children and a Chihuahua named Sophie.



March 17, 2021

I hope you and yours are well and soon, fully vaccinated! I am anxious to hug and kiss my kids and my loved ones! I’m excited to travel again! I’m dreaming of lying on a beach in Thailand and Puerto Rico! Four exclamation marks and I don’t care! Spring is right around the corner. I’m happy and hopeful.

I’ve been crazy busy since the beginning of the year. In January, my publisher suggested it was time to publish my debut poetry collection with an April 2021 publication date, just in time for Poetry Month. I am thrilled and grateful to her for taking a chance on me, a new poet.

As my publisher had an old copy of the draft manuscript (I was in the cue for a bit of time) and I like to think I’ve grown as a writer, I did a heavy edit on the collection. I rewrote many of the poems and included several new poems. Half of the poems were written between 2000 and 2007, the rest between 2011 and last month. We decided on the title, Tight Knots. Loose Threads. I love it. It’s the perfect title for this collection. The tentative book cover is wonderful, too. I can’t wait for the cover reveal and to see Tight Knots in print, in reader’s hands, where it belongs.

I am anxiously awaiting the editor’s second pass and trying to keep busy with my second novel, The Laments, which is coming along nicely. It’s such a great story if I do say so myself, smile. I am, however, finding it incredibly difficult to keep my editing pen in the drawer and away from the poetry collection. The word obsession comes to mind…

Reviews from wonderful and very generous advanced readers filled my heart with big emotion, gratitude, and hope that readers will enjoy my debut collection of love poems. I say love poems, and they are love poems with a reminder that love can also feel expansive, sexy, confusing, hopeful, painful, and at times, hopeless.

After my debut poetry collection, Tight Knots. Loose Threads. is published, I will order a big box of books, and by then, I will be able to mail signed copies of the book to readers from a real post office. What a great thought.

Now I understand why the Roaring 20s were so wild–it was the end of the Spanish Flu epidemic. I won’t be that wild (or maybe I will!) but I sure plan on celebrating big when we can travel, dance, and make merry with our families and friends again. Amen!

Stay safe, wear a mask, and continue to practice social distancing. Get your vaccines. The end may be in sight.

Eleanor x


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning novel, “A Decent Woman”, published by Winter Goose Publishing in 2019. Eleanor’s debut novel, set 1900 Puerto Rico, garnered awards at the 2016 and 2017 International Latino Book Awards. She is featured in the anthology, “Latina Authors and Their Muses”. Eleanor is working on her second novel “The Laments”, set in 1926 Puerto Rico. Her debut poetry collection, “Tight Knots. Loose Threads. Poems” is due for release in April 2021. Fingers crossed.
