Article: Spring 2022, eYs Magazine, Australia

Last month, I was honored by a kind invitation by Jasmina Siderovski, Editor-in-Chief of eYs Magazine, Australia, and Marsha Casper Cook, eYs Team Author, to contribute to an article in the Spring 2022, edition 16, of eYs Magazine.

Five writers were asked to write their personal thoughts on the effects of the global Coronavirus–the beginning, middle, and the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.

If you are not familiar with eYs Magazine, I invite you to peruse the many wonderful articles in the current issue. Martha Casper Cook’s article, “Nothing Is The Same. Everything Is Different”, begins on page 29 with contributions by Marsha Casper Cook, Carol Solomon Proesel, Marta Bishop, Eleanor Parker Sapia, and Jack Remick. My essay appears on pages 32-33.

Happy Reading!


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN (2017 & 2019 International Latino Book Awards) and the award-winning collection of poetry, TIGHT KNOTS. LOOSE THREADS. (2021 International Latino Book Awards). Eleanor’s books are published by Winter Goose Publishing.

Eleanor is currently working on her second novel, THE LAMENTS, and a new collection of poetry, currently titled ERASE AND REWIND.

eYs Magazine Winter 2021: Author Eleanor Parker Sapia


By Marsha Casper Cook

Please talk about your roots and how you found out who you wanted to be in your new life. Your story is very inspirational.

I was born in Puerto Rico into a family of exceptional oral storytellers: my grandmother—the matriarch of our family—my mother, and my aunt. Their magical stories included lives of struggle, spirits, herbal recipes, ancestral rituals, good food, and a fierce love of family. I was the child at my grandmother’s knee, always begging for one more tale.

I doubt it surprised anyone in my family when I turned to storytelling through painting and later with writing. A simple trip to the corner store can yield ideas for new stories or poems, and a cast of characters for future novels. However, my journey to publishing novels set in Puerto Rico with a good dose of history and magical realism took a circuitous route. Publishing my first collection of poetry took even longer. Each stage of my journey was as important as the last—steppingstones to where I am today—living and thriving in a creative world.

Following in my parent’s footsteps, I married a US Army officer, and we raised our children in Belgium, Austria, and France. To date, I have lived in Europe longer than I’ve lived in the US and Puerto Rico.

For 25 years, I painted and exhibited portraits and still lifes in the most unforgiving medium—watercolor— which speaks of perseverance and keen observation. I stashed drafts of poems in an old cookie tin and volunteered with refugee organizations and counseling centers in Brussels, Belgium.

In 2000, two life-changing events coincided: my maternal grandmother’s 90th birthday and receiving a copy of Julia Cameron’s seminal book on creativity called The Artist’s Way. The following year, I invited five girlfriends to experience the course with me. I learned just as much as my friends, who encouraged me to keep writing. Around that time, the paintbrush no longer told the stories of my soul—I was hooked on writing. I would go on to facilitate four more creative clusters with participants who felt blocked creatively or were interested in discovering their artistic passion.

In honor of my grandmother’s 90th birthday, I wrote a tribute to her that included many of her life stories. After reading the tribute, my then-husband encouraged me to write an outline. That outline turned into the first draft manuscript of A Decent Woman, set in turn of the century Ponce, Puerto Rico, my hometown.

In 2005, life changed dramatically. Before I knew it, I was a single woman in her 50s. I left one life and started a new one in the U.S. when my children headed to American universities. I was forced to face the unknown, dig deep, and tackle many challenges, much like a baptism of fire.

How has writing novels changed you as a person? If yes, please feel free to elaborate.

I believe my creative journey had more to do with my personal growth than the actual writing of my books. Before my divorce, I volunteered as a Spanish language refugee case worker and as a volunteer counselor in the only English-speaking counseling center, both in Brussels, Belgium. After my divorce, I moved back to the U.S., where I graduated from a massage therapy institute, I worked full-time as a bilingual (Spanish) social worker with the immigrant/refugee population and became a Reiki Master.

During that same time, I honed my writing skills, but the draft manuscript of A

Decent Woman wouldn’t see the light of day for five years until a shoulder injury precluded me from continuing a career in massage therapy—I was at a fork in the road. I made a life-altering decision to leave my job and to move from the Washington, D.C. area to West Virginia, where I could afford to write full-time.

Through writing novels and poetry, I found my voice quite organically. My previous career choices bolstered and inspired me to write novels of courageous women living simple lives in extraordinary times. The characters in my book said what I needed to share with the world—stories of misogyny, domestic violence, racism, and early feminism. Sterilization of women against their will or without their knowledge. Hate crimes against women and prostitutes. Class struggles. I use it all in my stories.

I believe life helped me grow into the role I was destined to fulfill—that of a storyteller. My hope is to continue to honor my maternal line and my Puerto Rican roots with my writing.

In your new book, a debut collection of poems titled, Tight Knots. Loose Threads, you expose a side of you that no one knew. Was that decision difficult for you?

Just before my first poetry collection was published in April 2021, a good friend, a therapist, read my collection. She wondered if readers would view me in a new way, and wondered if my raw, emotional poems of love desired, love denied, and heartbreak would confuse friends and readers who’d loved A Decent Woman.

While readers and friends on social media know me as a writer, a divorced mother of two awesome adult children, a feminist, an activist, who loves to garden and travel, my reply to my friend was, “How well do we know anyone?” My close friends and family weren’t surprised, at all.

I understand it’s human nature to often put people in boxes to better understand them, but I don’t enjoy limits, literary or otherwise. I was ready to unpeel more layers of my emotional onion. To stretch out and take up more room as a mature woman and as a writer.

I didn’t shy away from writing about controversial, delicate, taboo themes in A Decent Woman and there were many. Writing poems about controversial and delicate situations and exposing raw emotions wasn’t difficult either.

Now, although every poem isn’t about me, I admit to feeling a bit vulnerable about the intimate nature of some of the poems. What helped me move forward with publication was the Coronavirus pandemic and turning 63. We were and are still living in a world of unimaginable loss, grief, and fear. The year 2020 moved me enough to retrieve the poems I’d stashed in the old coffee tin for over twenty years and to write new poems for my first collection.

In my opinion, it was the perfect time to release Tight Knots. Loose Threads. I hope readers will relate to the poems and not feel alone as we’ve all experienced heartache in love and relationships. I thought, if not now, when? I’m glad I listened to my gut.

What do you think the Publishing Industry could improve on?

One frustration I share with many writers is the push by some publishers and agents for writers to garner as many reader reviews on Amazon and Goodreads before and after a book is published, as if that guarantees literary success. Honestly, writing and marketing our books are hard enough. Of course, I absolutely adore hearing from my readers and am incredibly grateful when a reader takes the time to review my books, so the last thing I want is to annoy them with constant requests for reviews. So, there’s a delicate balance.

Then, there’s paying for literary reviews—a gray zone. Most writers I know don’t have extra money to pay for reviews. I don’t know the answer to the dilemma of literary reviews. I write stories I’d like to read, and if I connect with a reader, that’s wonderful.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

I’m a slow writer. On occasion, as I watch writers publish a book or two each year, I can fall into doubting my process. But that is short-lived. My process works for me. I believe in allowing a story to come together in an organic way. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about my story 24/7. I don’t begin with a firm outline or a firm ending. I always have a rough idea of where I’m going and what I want to highlight in the story, such as domestic violence, misogyny, racism, growth, or battling personal demons. Being locked into a particular storyline or ending without deviation disrupts my creativity. What I want for myself as a writer is to reach others. As a reader, I want to be moved.

Life has taught me to be open to change, discovery, and that starting over can be golden. I am a big fan of rewriting as much as necessary and to listening to my characters. It’s not uncommon for my story to change and evolve. That can only come from knowing your characters inside and out. With time and patience, the dividends pay off.

What keeps you up at night as you near the end of finishing one of your books?

Great question. What I struggle with is knowing whether a story is finished, which is easier to discern with painting.

I ask myself if I’ve done my best with what I know today to rewrite a sentence, a page, a chapter for clarity, rhythm, and lyrical meaning and weight. Ultimately, I listen to my gut—I trust I will know when I’ve reached the end. Readers may, of course, feel differently about our story!

What does Literary Success look like to you?

While receiving literary awards and accolades were a thrill, success of any kind can be a short-lived, slippery slope. I remind myself to not rest on past laurels. After each published book, I’m back at the beginning—learning more about the craft of writing, honing my skills, working hard, and doing research for the next novel.

Marsha Casper Cook – CEO, Author, Screenwriter

If readers love, remember, and recommend my book(s) to other readers over years and years, that is literary success to me. I want to move my readers as much as I need to be moved to continue to write good literature. It’s never been about making money.

Because of your new book, a collection of poems called Tight Knots. Loose Threads, you have increased your readership into a different market. Will you continue that path?

I wrote poetry long before I considered writing a novel. So yes, I will continue to write poetry, which feels as natural as painting, writing novels, and keeping a journal, where many poems are birthed. Painting for over 25 years helped me write A Decent Woman and The Laments. Writing poetry helps me access emotion and continue to write poetic prose in fiction, and writing fiction helps me write deep poetry. It’s all connected.

Writing poetry is also cathartic and healing. It’s a great way to peel away, examine, and discover old or new layers of my personality and life experiences in an intimate way. While poems of a more sensual nature may bring up feelings of vulnerability or of feeling a bit exposed, I tell myself that by being “naked” and unafraid, I’m connecting with readers who I hope will realize they’re not alone—we’ve all experienced love and heartache and pain. It’s universal.

In the future, I also hope to write a poetry collection and a novel in Spanish, a beautiful, lyrical language.

Are you pleased with the way readers have admired the courage it took to compose such a wonderful collection of poems? And did you expect readers to find themselves understanding your journey in a way that many poets never achieve?

Thank you for your kind words, Marsha. The readers who reviewed Tight Knots. Loose Threads before and after publication were gracious and generous with their praise. I am grateful for the gift of their precious time as many are busy writers. It is always heartwarming and validating when others understand our journey and resonate with what we’re trying to convey.

I had hoped readers would find themselves in the collection. It reads like the journey of a love affair from flirtation, passion, and love to confusion and sadness, followed by anger and grief. The death of love. There are many voices in this collection. It’s real life. Love is universal.

While I don’t consider it an act of courage to put out a poetry book of this type, it did require me to reach deep into myself and to push the boundaries of my comfort zone. I grew as a woman and as a poet.

What advice would you give to new aspiring authors?

Sounds cliché but learn to write by reading. I encourage aspiring authors to read books in their chosen genre, books by their favorite authors, and books recommended by favorite writers. I also encourage folks to write through the scary bits of the story as that’s usually where the meat and essence of the story are found. If you’re not passionate about your story or if you rush the creative process, it will show.

Lastly, your story matters. The saddest thing to me are unwritten stories.

What are you working on now?

Since 2016, I’ve been working on a second novel called The Laments. The story begins in 1926 in a Roman Catholic convent in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and a Spanish-built leprosarium on Isla de Cabras, an islet located five miles off the coast of San Juan.

The Laments is the story of an idealistic novice nun whose monastic life is shattered by crimes at her Convent. As a means of escape, the conflicted novice volunteers to serve the patients at Lazareto Isla de Cabras. A colorful cast of characters and chaotic events will clash with the nun’s mission to save souls for God. She will be challenged to take a hard look at making her final vows and to take an even harder look at truth.

The Laments will be in reader’s hands in early 2022. I hope readers connect with this story.

My thanks to eYs Magazine and to you for the wonderful opportunity to connect with the eYs audience.

You can find out more about Eleanor at EleanorParkerSapia

Special note to Eleanor: It has been my pleasure to interview you and I would also like to thank you for the wonderful friendship we have developed over the years. Marsha

Blog Talk Radio Show: What’s Happening Now



What’s Happening Now is a new show. They will be discussing the current COVID-19 crisis, writing during the pandemic, and tips on maintaining creativity.

Call in to speak with the host at (714) 242-5259.

Be safe out there.

Eleanor x

Tune in! Blogtalk Radio Show – Writing the Best Story You Can

Mark your calendar and join us!

Writing The Best Story You Can- Host Marsha Casper Cook

Marsha Casper Cook

Marsha Casper Cook

Call in to speak with the host – (714) 242-5259

Please join Marsha Casper Cook on Thursday, October 3 at 4EST 3 CST 2MT 1PST when her guests will be Jack Remick and Eleanor Parker Sapia.

Please join Marsha Casper Cook, Michigan Avenue Media, on Wednesday, October 3 at 4 EST 3 CST 2MT 1PST when her guests will be Jack Remick and Eleanor Parker Sapia.

Eleanor is the author of the multi-award-winning historical novel, A DECENT WOMAN, published by Winter Goose Publishing. Her debut novel, set in turn of the century Ponce, Puerto Rico, garnered Second Place for Best Latino Focused Fiction Book, English, at the 2017 International Latino Book Award with Latino Literacy Now. The book was awarded an Honorable Mention for Best Historical Fiction, English, at the 2016 International Latino Book Awards with Latino Literacy Now. A Decent Woman was selected as a Book of the Month by Las Comadres and Friends National Latino Book Club in 2015, and Eleanor is featured in the anthology, Latina Authors and Their Muses, edited by Mayra Calvani.

Jack is a celebrated storyteller, a poet, short story writer, and novelist, the author of Gabriela and The Widow–Montaigne Medal Finalist in the Eric Hoffer Award competition. Gabriela and The Widow–BOTYA Finalist. Gabriela and The Widow: Wins “Best Women’s Fiction” Orangeberry Hall of Fame Virtual Expo Satori, Poems, from Coffeetown Press was released on May 1, 2014.

For more info on the shows–host-marsha-casper-cook?fbclid=IwAR271G5wpD-gzNQCv00dEJyWoBOjA4iehpUmLcOnzE45oSLKGH3sYD5Sc0U#.XYr2OhpdJY0.facebook



Author Interview: Marsha Casper Cook

Welcome to the Tuesday Author Interview series at The Writing Life. Each Tuesday, I have the great pleasure of chatting with authors across genres about books and writing, and marketing and publishing. 

Today I am very pleased to welcome Marsha Casper Cook, a talented screenwriter, novelist, editor, and writer of children’s books. Marsha, who hails from Chicago, is a radio show personality on Blog Talk Radio, which is how we met a few years back. Her World of Ink Network partner for the last five years is V.S.Grenier, an author, editor, and radio show host, who lives in Utah. Marsha’s group discussions always feature interesting and talented writers and center around writing, publishing, screenplays, and books. I love her show, and always come away with pages of writing tips.

In this interview, Marsha graciously offers readers a glimpse into the business of turning books into audio books, and I’m excited to begin.

Welcome, Marsha!



What is your newest book’s genre?

Romantic comedy.

Please describe what Grand Central Station: Some Relationships Are Just Meant to Be is about.

A famous child psychologist, who has authored several bestselling books on raising children, discovers he doesn’t know as much as he thought he did when he meets a pediatrician and mother of three. Neither of them imagined how their lives would change when they shared a flight headed for Las Vegas for a medical convention.

For Jack Winston and Victoria Feingold, whatever happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. It follows them back to Chicago.

Jack doesn’t want to fail, but he’s not sure he’s emotionally prepared to live with Victoria’s three children. Not to mention her mother, sister, dog, and needy ex-husband.

Grand Central Station is a fast-paced ride and a lot of fun! 

Congratulations on Grand Central Station, Marsha! How did you come up with the title?  

There was so much going on in the story, and it seemed as if Grand Central Station would be the perfect fit. A busy house with so many characters coming and going. 

What inspired you to write this romantic comedy?

It’s taken from one of the screenplays that I had written several years ago and loved. It had been optioned, but never produced.

How exciting that the screenplay was optioned, Marsha. In my mind’s eye, I can see this romantic comedy on the silver screen. Best of luck!

Does your main character resemble you? If so, in what ways?

Actually, there really were no similarities to any of the characters in my book, but I felt the family quarrels were most likely a part of any family, including my own.

What do you find is the most challenging aspect of writing?

Not coming up with another story while I’m working on one. I usually think any idea that pops in my head might be better than what I’m writing, but usually the feeling passes.

That’s a familiar scenario when I’m writing, as well. What is your favorite part of writing?

I enjoy the fun of not knowing exactly how my story will end. I always feel if I don’t know the ending, the reader will be just as surprised as I was when I wrote it.

What authors or person(s) have influenced you as a writer and why?

I have been lucky to meet wonderful people all through my life that have guided me in my writing by telling me their stories, and in turn, I listened with open ears and learned how to write good characters with real problems.

Marsha, many of your books are now audio books. Could you tell us about that process? I know I’m more than interested.

One of my favorite passed times is listening to audio books. When I hear an audio book, it’s becomes a special event and very entertaining. The story comes to life, and it’s so enjoyable I sometimes wish the story could go on forever; however I do agree with the common complaint about the narration. If you like the voice behind the words, it’s such fun to imagine the setting and the story, but if you don’t, the feeling is not the same, and sometimes it’s enough to make you go on to something else. It doesn’t hold your interest.

I never thought my books would become audio books, but because of Audibles and the sharing method between the producer of the audio and the author of the book, it became possible.

The children’s books that I have on audio were a great learning experience for me. I got to hear every word and realized that after reading a book and listening to the audio, the experience is far greater than just the read, especially for children.

I urge authors and readers to give audio books a chance.

For authors go to

Thanks so much for sharing, Marsha. I love audio books, and would love to go down that path with my first book. 

Do you have a favorite place to write? To read?

I love writing in coffee shops or restaurants when I’m by myself. That’s when I truly feel I’m completely in my characters world. 

Tell us something personal about you people may be surprised to know?

I’m very organized, however as a teenager I wasn’t and didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I usually try to tell parents not to judge their children so harshly because life has a way of working itself out and growing up isn’t easy. Every child needs their space as do adults.

True words and great advice for parents. As a kid, my interests were varied and appeared to have no rhyme or reason to many adults. Looking back, the common denominator was creativity and a healthy imagination.

Did the writing process uncover surprises or learning experiences for you? What about the publishing process?

Over the years, I have learned so much from writing and doing my radio shows, which in turn gave me the best education ever on how to independently publish, and not worry that a publisher may have rejected my work. If the story is good, readers will enjoy your work regardless of who published the book. Enjoy writing and try to remember that if your book makes you laugh or cry, that is always a good thing because your readers will probably do the same.

I also feel that because things have changed over the years in publishing, authors have an open field for fulfilling their dreams. They just have to be persistent.


What do you hope readers will gain from your book?

It’s always good to hear your reader understood what you were trying to convey in your story, and as authors that is the best feeling imaginable.

Looking back, what did you do right that helped you write and market this book?

I used my own judgement. Listening to too many people can end up causing a writer to feel insecure and not finish their story. Finishing the story works!

I agree wholeheartedly–finish writing the book! What didn’t work as well as you’d hoped?

Usually by the time my story is written, I’m hopeful that everything worked during the journey because if I felt uncomfortable on any level, I would try to re- work my story until I got it right.

Any advice or tips for writers looking to get published?

My suggestion would be if you are having trouble getting an agent or publisher, find an Independent service and publish your own book, but don’t skimp on three very important aspects of successful publishing: editing, formatting, and getting the best artwork you can for your cover.   

Website and social media links?

Radio Show Blog –

Author Blog –

Marsha’s Website-

Radio Show Website –

Where can we find your books?  

A list of Marsha’s books:

Novels: Grand Central Station – romantic comedy & audio book; Guilty Pleasures series – erotica

Children’s books: The Busy Bus; No Clues No Shoes – also audio; The Magical Leaping Lizard – also audio; Snack Attack -also audio; I Wish I Was A Brownie- also audio

Screenplay (book): It’s Never Too Late

To Life 

What’s next for you?

I have several projects in my head. One is to write another romantic comedy, and the other is to add to my Guilty Pleasures series.

Thanks so much for joining us today, Marsha. It’s been a real pleasure getting to know more about you and your books. I wish you the very best with your many books and audio books!

About Eleanor:


Puerto Rican-born Eleanor Parker Sapia is the author of the award-winning historical novel, A Decent Woman, published by Scarlet River Press. Her debut novel, set in turn of the century Ponce, Puerto Rico, garnered an Honorable Mention for Best Historical Fiction, English at the 2016 International Latino Book Awards with Latino Literacy Now, and was selected as a Book of the Month by Las Comadres and Friends National Latino Book Club in 2015. A writer, artist, and photographer, Eleanor currently lives in Berkeley County, West Virginia, where she is working on her second novel, The Laments of Forgotten Souls, set in 1920 Puerto Rico.

Eleanor’s book:
Please visit Eleanor at her website:




World of Ink Chat with Jack Remick, Marsha Casper Cook, and Eleanor Parker Sapia

March 1, 2017

Eleanor will be chatting with novelist/screenwriter and World of Ink host, Marsha Casper Cook, and novelist and short story writer, Jack Remick, about telling a good story on March 1, 2017. Please join us!

Writers At Their Best – Special WOI -Host Marsha Casper Cook

Featured Image -- 3544

Please join my friend Marsha Casper Cook on Feb 22 at 4PM EST 3 PM CST 2PM MT 1 PM PST for a very special show about writing. This isn’t about marketing, social media or politics- this is about writing and why authors need to write.

Authors Jack Remick and Dennis Must have learned their craft well. They will be discussing how their lives have changed through writing, and the importance of being the best you can be by telling a good story and making it work.

For more info:




Let’s Talk About Writing Host Marsha Casper Cook


Join Marsha Casper Cook on August 13 at 4PM EST 3PMCST  2PM MT 1PM PST- When she welcomes Jack Remick and Eleanor Parker Sapia. Jack Remick is a poet, short story writer, novelist and a frequent guest on the World Of Ink. He has contributed to the show by bringing wonderful authors to the network and with each visit he is appreciated that much more.

Jack has brought to the network Eleanor Parker Sapia, a Puerto Rican-born novelist, poet, and artist, raised in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Europe. Her life experiences as a counselor, alternative health practitioner, Spanish language social worker, and refugee case worker inspire her passion for writing.

Marsha is a Partner of the World of Ink Network, Award-winning Script Writer, Novelist, Writing Coach, Media Release Specialist, Blog Talk Radio Host and Founder of Michigan Avenue Media. Marsha is the author of 11 published books and 11 feature-length screenplays, a literary agent with 15 years of experience and the host of BTR’s World of Ink Network shows: A Good Story Is a Good Story, and special editions of The World of Ink Network.

Call in number (714) 242-5259

For more info